Nicole Ulgado

Pivot CO Sensor

The Pivot CO Breath Sensor identifies the level of carbon monoxide in your body after smoking.

The Challenge

Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of many toxins that enters the bloodstream when smoking. The more a user smokes, the higher the CO value becomes, and the less a user smokes, the lower the value becomes. This allows users to become more aware of their smoking behavior. The immediate CO readings provide users insights on when and how to take action. However, a missing piece to the experience was celebrating users' achievements.


I worked closely with our product and hardware team to identify opportunities to reward users' sampling achievements. These celebrations appeared immediately after a breath sample was taken, followed by positive reinforcement messaging. I lead the visual direction, creating a feeling of delight and surprise using bright colors of the Pivot brand. Thorough attention was given to the animation specs to ensure smooth transitions on this small, but mighty device.

Pivot Breath Sensor Celebrations

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