Nicole Ulgado

My Health, My Life Mobile App

I designed My Health, My Life, a mobile application designed for breast cancer survivors to monitor and manage key health information and behaviors.


Study Aims

The focus of this study was to discover how to improve the lifestyle of Latina breast cancer survivors by determining how to best integrate self-management strategies throughout breast cancer survivorship with the use of a smartphone-based system, Mi Salud, Mi Vida.

Background Research

1. Literature Review

Breast Cancer Statistics: According to CDC, breast cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer among Hispanic women. Studies have reported that less than half of breast cancer survivors engage in the recommended level of physical activity.

Current Solutions: Support and clinic-based educational programs have been demonstrated in clinical studies as effective in changing behaviors and improving outcomes in cancer patients and survivors. However, these programs are rarely tailored down to the individual level.

2. Market Analysis

I conducted a competitive analysis and evaluated m-Health applications in the market. I explored main features and sub-feature availability, customer reviews, and overall ratings across 20 m-Health apps. This analysis was useful for idea generation, gathering design requirements, and defining goals for the initial release.

3. Focus Group Interviews and Surveys

Semi-moderated focus groups were conducted at the UC Irvine Family Health Center with Latina breast cancer survivors and some of their family members. There were approximately 48 survivors ages 33-85 years old and the number of years since their diagnosis ranged from 1-13 years. Focus group surveys inlcuded sections regarding breast cancer care and experience, health behaviors and other activities, use of technology, and demographic information. Interviews were transcribed and survey data was analyzed in SPSS for behavioral patterns along with needs, personnel, and values.


1. Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Using my research findings, data analysis, and competitive analysis as guides, I brainstormed design solutions and collaborate with my 3 mentors.

2. High-Fidelity Wireframes

Key features included food, exercise, weight tracking, and mood tracking.


I collaborated with our app developer and communicated task flows to generate the user interface and interactions. (Limitations: Due to timing and funding constraints, we were unable to conduct thorough user testing).

Presentation and Awards

UC Irvine UROP Symposium

I presented this poster at UC Irvine's UROP Symposium and was awarded a summer 2015 UROP fellow in IoT and 2015 UROP fellow for the UC Irvine Women's Empowerment Initiative.

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